четверг, 3 декабря 2009 г.


1. What is Thanksgiving day?
It is time to give thanks to God for the harvest and express gratitude to others for our many blessings.
2. What does "(be) stuffed" mean?
It means that you ate so much that you can not eat anymore. It is informal expression which you can say at home or with friends.
3. What does "(go) cold turkey" mean?
To stop a bad habit suddenly and completely.
4. What does "to talk turkey" mean?
To talk simply and directly especially about the most important things or a problem that needs to be solved.

5 verbs:
give - давать,
celebrate - праздновать,
share - делиться,
find - находить,
say - сказать, говорить.
5 nouns:
turkey - индюшка,
supermarket - супермаркет (большой магазин самообслуживания),
kind - вид, разновидность,
food - еда,
mash - пюре.
5 adjectives:
wild - дикий,
religious - религиозный,
roasted - жареный,
every - каждый,
more - более, больший.

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